Picture Books

The Lighthouse Witch
Lulu lives in a lighthouse on a lopsided limestone ledge. By day, she uses her magic wand to help needy sea critters. By night, she lovingly tends her lighthouse lens. When a terrible storm blows in, washing away her magic wand and toppling her beloved lighthouse, Lulu worries she'll no longer be able to protect those who depend on her. Will darkness swallow the coastline forever? Or will Lulu discover her inner light? The future is bright in this sweet story about twinkling kindness and seafaring friends—just watch out for those mischievous seagulls!

Pirate Book Club
Opal the book pirate wants the Seven Seas to be a friendly place where books can be discussed and stories passed from ship to ship, but pirates are an unruly bunch, always quarreling over treasure, and her attempts at uniting sworn enemies with book contests and reading days are met with mutiny. Seasick with disappointment, Opal is one cannonball away from sailing off into the sunset when she has a seaworthy idea that just might change pirates into readers after all. Anchors aweigh for a playful tale of waterlogged books, buccaneer cookies, and unexpected friendships.
Superstitious Sadie
Superstitious Sadie collects good luck charms, goes out of her way to avoid walking under ladders, and never opens an umbrella indoors. When a black cat starts to follow her around town, she’s sure it means bad luck has come to find her. But small acts of kindness go a long way, and the black cat soon wiggles its way into Sadie's heart. The future looks luckier than ever—fingers crossed!

Goats Do Not Eat Tin Cans
Goats do NOT eat tin cans. At least that's what one insistent goat would like you to believe. He'll do anything he can to convince you that goats are sophisticated creatures, but if you look closely, you just might catch him eating all kinds of silly stuff, like underpants from the clothesline and even a few pages of this very book!
The Beekeeper and the Bear
Buzzzzzzzzzzz along with the bees in this lively read-aloud tale of Ida, a kindhearted young beekeeper who tries to keep a hungry bear away from her hives and honey to no avail. When the fed-up bees take matters into their own hands, Ida steps in with honey cakes and kindness, and ends up with a beary special new friend.

Ava and the Travel Bug
Let's fly away! Where shall we go? Anywhere? Everywhere? Hurry, we're late! When a high-energy travel bug flies in through Ava's open window and convinces her to pack a suitcase, a whirlwind of curious adventures unfold. The tireless travel bug flits from one destination to the next, checking off bucket list items and missing magical moments in his haste--will he ever stop and smell the roses? Tired Ava struggles to enjoy her travels and longs for the comforts of home--will she ever have any fun? Fasten your seatbelts for this jet setting tale of two mismatched travelers who must learn the art of compromise when navigating the ups and downs of friendship.

I Need a New Book
Tilly has a knack for recommending the perfect book for every customer. When a grumpy businessman announces a plan to bulldoze her book shop to make way for a fancy hotel, Tilly believes a good book recommendation will change his mind. But what book is the right book for a man who doesn’t like books at all? This sweet story of persistence underscores how transformative books can be.

This surfer girl Cinderella retelling features gnarly waves, mischievous seagulls, a lost flip-flop, a handsome lifeguard, a Queen of the Surf competition, and a big splash of saltwater magic. Don't forget to pack your sunscreen!

The Princess and the Pee:
A Royal Potty Tale
When tiny, speechless Princess Pru is found jumping up and down outside the locked royal bathroom, her perplexed governess seeks the counsel of a clueless doctor, a bumbling cook, and a silly knight who misread Princess Pru's nonverbal cues and prescribe ridiculous remedies. What will it take for Princess Pru to convince them she's not hungry, or dancing, or sick, and that she really just needs to...pee?

Something Afowl:
A Bird-Brained Mystery.
When a penguin, an ostrich, and a blue-footed booby show up uninvited at the Backyard Bird Convention, feathers are ruffled. Amidst the rollicking commotion, it’s no wonder a burglar is able to sneak into the exhibition hall and steal a collection of prized eggs. But whodunit? Wild accusations fly. The Odd Birds all look guilty! Enter Henrietta Hemlock, a chicken detective who’s easily led astray by odd clues and the unreliable account of a nearsighted witness. Will she crack the case in time to recover the eggs? What’s the difference between a Backyard Bird and an Odd Bird deep down? Be on the look out for an unexpected culprit in this fun story about abandoning prejudice, celebrating differences, and the beauty of flocking together.